Кращими підсумками роботи Віртуального лекторію професора Філіппа Мойзера є відгуки студенів і викладачів котрі працювали з ним:
«My name is Victoria, I am a second-year student majoring in "Architecture and Urban Planning". During five weeks, I took a very interesting course of lectures by Professor Moiser, where I learned a lot about the peculiarities of African architecture. Also, I participated in the preparation of a presentation for one of the lectures and had the opportunity to speak with a professor on the topic of African castles. It was a very positive experience for me personally and in addition to getting additional information for the general development of architectural perception, I improved my communication skills in English» - Коссе Вікторія, гр. А2019-1
«Professor Meuser’s lectures were not only like going deep into the topic, but also like getting into professional terms. After the end of the lecture course, there is a desire to apply the received information in projects. In general, huge gratitude to the professor Meuser for the opportunity to hear and to be heard» - Стегачьова Софія, гр. А2018-1
«The impressions from the lectures are very positive. It was very interesting to hear about the architecture of other countries, especially in English. The lectures helped a lot to develop knowledge of a foreign language and improve skills. I hope there will be more similar events)» - Дворянкіна Римма, гр. А2018-3
«The Professor's lectures are very interesting and accessible. He tells everything in simple language, very communicative, which makes the perception of information more accessible. It was a little difficult to take in information out of habit without long practice of English. Тherefore, such measures are very necessary and relevant» – Мурашова Марина, гр. А2019-1
«Дуже незвичним, як на мене, вийшов курс лекцій професора Мойзера, адже історії архітектури африканських міст зазвичай приділяється мало уваги й вона й досі залишається чимось необізнаним для нас. Було дуже цікаво дізнаватися нові факти архітектурної спадщини цієї країни. Так як лекції проводилися англійською, це була ще й відмінна можливість вдосконалити свої навички володіння мовою. Окремо також хочеться відмітити надзвичайну відкритість та професіоналізм пана Мойзера, ретельно підготовлений матеріал та його подачу» - Міщенко Анастасія, гр. А2019-2
«The lectures we had with Professor Philipp Meuser were really interesting, I personally have learned a lot and gained so much information about subjects that usually aren't spoken about» - Гаргоурі Чадха, гр. А2019-2
«Good presentation of the material. Very interesting! The material is presented in an accessible and easy to understand way. I found a lot of useful things for myself» - Давиденко Олеся, гр. А2018-2
«It was a very informative and fascinating course. The work process with the professor was very interesting and multifaceted, we listened to lectures and participated in presentations and discussions. It was very interesting to look at a different culture of thought and design and to observe how traditions are preserved and reincarnated in modern architecture. Attention was also paid to various urban concepts and development prospects of many cities in Africa. All discussed topics related to architecture and were very relevant, I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the process! » - Стрельнікова Юлія, гр. МАБіС-2020
«In these lectures I discovered that it is impossible to study everything, but there is so much new and interesting that architecture can give us! » - Нос Альона, гр. А2017-3
«It was a real pleasure and a great experience to attend the lectures on the theory and history of architecture in Sub-Saharan Africa. There were a plenty of interesting and useful information and the best part was mentioning some important current problems» - Дончак Анжеліка, гр. А2018-1
«Лекції про архітектуру та типологію Африки були дуже цікавими та пізнавальними. Було чудово дізнатись про різноманітність й особливості розвитку африканської архітектури. Prof. h.c. Dr. Philipp Meuser гарно підібрав лекційний матеріал і дохідливо його виклав. Лекції дуже актуальні та корисні для нашої спеціальності» – Доцент кафедри Міського будівництва Шишкін Едуард
«In April and May, Mr. Moiser gave several lectures on "Theory and History of Architecture" in Sub Saharan Africa. In these lectures, Mr. Moiser spoke about traditional architecture, current trends, as well as the urbanization of the region, and its challenges in the context of the forecast of a double increase in the African population and an increase in the city’s population percentage. Thanks to these lectures we understand the further development of African architecture and urban planning, which in my opinion was extremely informative and interesting from the architect's point of view and gives an understanding of what challenges the future architect will face in the next 10-30 years» – Аспірант кафедри Містобудування Селезньов Євген
«From April 6 to May 11, 2021, the Architecture, Design and Fine Arts department held a course of online lectures on the topic «Theory and history of architecture. Sub-Saharan Africa». Professor Philipp Meuser from Berlin prepared and delivered this lecture course for the students of the Architecture, Design and Fine Arts department. The students were offered a unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the architecture of the Sub-Saharan region of the African continent. To this end, the German professor Philipp Meuser, during his rich lectures, not only introduced students to the peculiarities of the development of architecture and urban planning in Sub-Saharan Africa. He also showed what problems exist in the development of architecture in Sub-Saharan Africa, what famous architects worked here at different stages in the history of this region, starting from colonial to modern times. Thanks to these lectures, students were able to form a holistic view of the state of architecture in Africa. Students also viewed many architectural objects, were acquainted with the logic of architectural solutions that are based on traditional African dwellings and settlements. The questions of the general theory of architecture were also raised.
The main task of the students during the online course was to prepare and submit their own reports touching upon the main topics and sections of the lecture course indicated in the lecture plan of Mr. Meuser. Students were divided into groups, in accordance with the sections of the course; they selected materials on the topic of reports and made out presentations. During the online lecture, each student report was discussed with Professor Meuser and other class participants. All course participants could ask questions to the lecturer and speakers. Classes were held in a free, friendly atmosphere. If the students had any questions, then Professor Philipp Meuser and the coordinator of the lecture course from the Architecture, Design and Fine Arts department Lyudmila Shvets were always happy to answer these questions. At the end of the course, the participants discussed the results of the lectures they had heard and expressed the hope that next year the lectures of Professor Meuser would be continued» - Доцент кафедри Архітектури будинків і споруд та дизайну міського середовища Богдан Божинський
«The meetings in the virtual lecture hall of the Architecture, Design and Fine Arts department took place in a very interesting and friendly format. For students, the topic related to the peculiarities of the development of architecture and urban planning of the African continent was very interesting. I would like to thank the professor Philipp Meuser for his inspiration for further research on the potential development of African cities. We hope to continue cooperation in the friendly walls of our university next academic year! » - Доцент кафедри Основ архітектурного проектування, заступник декана ф-ту АДОМ Швець Людмила.