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Call schedule

1 pair: 8-30 - 10-05

2 pairs: 10-15 - 11-50

3 pairs: 12-35 - 14-10

4 pairs: 14-20 - 15-55

5 pairs: 16-05 - 17-40

6 pairs: 17-50 - 19-25

Contact Information

1 61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Marshala Bazhanova st.,17
2 303, 304, 308а (Architectural building, 3rd floor)
3  Working hours: from 8.15 to 17.00
4 Break: from 13.00 to 13.45
5 Admission of students: from 14.00 to 15.30
6+38 (057) 707-30-47; 707-31-84; 707-31-36